I am currently a Research Fellow with [HLT Lab], Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore (NUS). I received Ph.D Degree in College of Intelligence and Computing in Tianjin University, supervised by Prof. Longbiao Wang and Prof. Jianwu Dang. My research topic is Speech Separation Based on Deep Learning in Open Complex Environment [Thesis] [Slide]. During my PhD period, I also worked as a research assistant in NTU and NUS in Singapore from 2019 to 2022, supervised by Prof. Eng Siong Chng and Prof. Haizhou Li. Prior to that, I received my Master’s Degree from Tianjin University under the supervision of Prof. Di Jin and Prof. Liang Yang in 2017, and my master’s research topic is Socical Network or Community Detection.
My research interest includes speech processing, speech separation and social network analysis. I have published more than 10 papers at the top international AI conferences such as IJCAI, ICASSP, INTERSPEECH.